Friday, July 27, 2007


this photo is from a expiriment i took part in with some friends and Jason.

i spent over 48hrs total try to find a Super8 projector. It was almost impossible untill Roger came to the rescue. So we had this showing in the film department. CK, Heather, Roger and myself. it was a good outcome. they were shot in color negative with a Minolta XL42.

the 31st was the final FLEXfest movies. They were Polanski films. a short. and a horror. the short was called: dwaj ludzie z szafa (two men and a wardrobe) and the full length film was called: Repulsion.
the third reel ended up lost. Hez brought it over the VHS the next day.

photos good enough to post. both were taken with a Holga.

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