Friday, July 27, 2007


this photo is from a expiriment i took part in with some friends and Jason.

i spent over 48hrs total try to find a Super8 projector. It was almost impossible untill Roger came to the rescue. So we had this showing in the film department. CK, Heather, Roger and myself. it was a good outcome. they were shot in color negative with a Minolta XL42.

the 31st was the final FLEXfest movies. They were Polanski films. a short. and a horror. the short was called: dwaj ludzie z szafa (two men and a wardrobe) and the full length film was called: Repulsion.
the third reel ended up lost. Hez brought it over the VHS the next day.

photos good enough to post. both were taken with a Holga.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Holy crap!

so it was back to ATL for 24hours. CK. DK. Hez and myself. Tavo Carbone played at a little spot called New Street Gallery. at the bar was no whiskey. so it was PBR or Tecate. I chose PBR. whoop whoop. a lady asked me if i was a writer. i told her i was probably the worst writer she would ever encounter and she wittily replied: "there's a writer in all of us". i thought it was romantic. the marta passed by a total of 8 times. By the end of the night, we're all sitting in the perfect house drinking 5 opened bottles of Shiraz, and next thing i know, i'm waking up to the smell of vegan pumpkin pancakes. there were 4 cats. 2 were allowed out. 2 wern't. 3 were gray and 1 was orange. and there was a dog. it was 4 of us on a futon. 2 on the floor. 2 in the bed. 2 more in another bed. we fell asleep to Al Bowlly, and i remember waking up and saying something like. that's it. it's over? It was perfect.

on the 18th. we drove around looking for little 5. apparently nobody in Atlanta knows where they are, or where anything is. and they all "don't live here". at lunch i had a BLT. bought 2 postcards. and we left. the best part of road tripping is stopping at the stations in rural florida. trailers. starving cats. old candy. georgia peaches. and a 25¢ pokemon pin from the vending machine.
it was radio request hour the whole ride home.

i love my house:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


by Sunday i caught a ride to Atlanta with Sam. we spent $20.oo dollars at the pump in Georgia on CombosSnikersBeerJerkyBrowniesWaterChexandNerds. it's a bad guilty pleasure. i stayed at the RRInn. had breakfast with G. worked at Phoenix with mami. there was late night beer drinking with sammy and friends. the MARTA. five points. the japanese gardens. the next day with J. the aquarium, the best part, in my opinion, were the beluga whales. We wondered how they sleep. the jelly fish were slow and they moved in the most beautiful way and left the biggest impact. then Decatur. Belguim Beer. Cheese and Jelly. Chips and Ketchup. Coffee and Cake. Barbies on Cars. Cloves and Ciggs. Stella vs. PBR. Druid Hills. 2am Korean. and it's the end of the 4th with promised sparklers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

boom,boom! bang,bang!

Saturday night was a sleepover at erins. we spent the night drinking some sort of fuckyouupinaide, playing poker and scatergories, with catergories like: "things that make you say oOh!" and "things that make your bowels move". snacked on popcorn. played kings cup. heather got the last king. she does that. drew all over every inch of skin. mustard pillows. lemon meringue dreams. the police. high socks. numbered blankets. soy nuts. purple sleeves. morning showers. little sleep.